Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh


Luke Sutton is fascinated with flowers and gardening. Ask him any question—he’s a walking encyclopedia when it comes to plants, according to his father.

These days, it’s Luke himself who’s growing, thanks in large part to Saint Anthony School Programs which serve children with autism, Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities. Soon, more young people will benefit, thanks to a significant gift to Our Campaign for The Church Alive!

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Benefiting all the people of the Diocese of Pittsburgh across six counties, Our Campaign for The Church Alive! addresses urgent needs—to strengthen parishes, invigorate evangelization, revitalize sacramental life, support education and formation in the faith, train pastoral and lay leaders, and serve the poor and marginalized. In a recent interview, Bishop David Zubik discussed the positive response to the campaign to date.

More than 40,000 donors have contributed or pledged financial gifts to the campaign. As bishop of the Church of Pittsburgh, what does this say to you?

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Erik Matthews, with Fr. John Lynam, pastor of Madonna del Castello Parish.


The smile that lit up Father John Lynam’s face reflected the same joy shining from B.J. Osso and Sister Cynthia Wessel and Jennifer Turner—without being asked, their children made a beautiful sacrifice for God.

In this case, it was Erik Matthews, about to enter third grade at East Catholic School, donating a bag of coins to Fr. Lynam’s parish, Madonna del Castello in Swissvale.

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Photo Credit - Jim Judkis


Father Jim Farnan remembers when he was growing up that his dad always dreamed of owning a Cadillac. But with seven children, providing for them was far more important than anything material. The kids went to college. His father never bought that Cadillac.

“But he enjoyed a peace and sense of satisfaction that he never sacrificed his children’s welfare,” Father Farnan said. “He always chose what was most important.”

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Photo credit: Jim Judkis


When Saint Victor Parish in Bairdford began as a mission nearly a century ago, many of its founders were farmers. Without realizing it, parishioners today are following their example of sowing seeds.

“For the first time we have a seminarian from Saint Victor, and through Our Campaign for The Church Alive!, our parish will be able to help those studying for the priesthood,” said Father Charles Speicher, pastor of Saint Victor. “Before the campaign, parishioners here hadn’t thought much about the cost of educating seminarians. On a practical level, that will bear fruit for future generations.”

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Photo caption: Father Paul Grunebach. Credit: Jim Judkis


Thomas A. Edison once remarked, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

Father Paul Grunebach didn’t miss out.

The pastor of Saint Oliver Plunkett Parish in Greene County seized an opportunity last year by taking part in the initial phase of Our Campaign for The Church Alive! In all, 11 pilot parishes provided a powerful example for the other 188 parishes to follow. Father Grunebach’s fellow priests took note.

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Bishop David Zubik celebrates Mass at Saint Paul Cathedral, Oakland.


Rose Altemare may be elderly but she’s not afraid of change.  So when her family bought her a computer tablet, she quickly learned a new way to take part in the daily Masses from Saint Paul Cathedral and Saint Mary of Mercy Church.

Once shown only on Comcast channel 95 in the City of Pittsburgh, Masses are now live-streamed on Christian, thanks to sacrificial gifts to Our Campaign for The Church Alive! from the late Rita M. McGinley and Ann & Frank V. Cahouet Foundation.

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Father Mike Harcarik celebrates Mass during his Golden Jubilee in 2013. Credit: MD Photography


More parishioners are entering the doors these days at Prince of Peace Parish on Pittsburgh’s South Side, and Father Bernard “Mike” Harcarik thought that would be a good place to begin renovations.

Funds from Our Campaign for The Church Alive! are being used to repair doors and paint the vestibules at the parish’s two worship sites, Saint Adalbert and Saint Peter. Other interior improvements are ahead, along with plans to reduce the parish debt.

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