Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh



Brian McGhen is well-known to his fellow parishioners at Saint Patrick’s Parish in McKeesport. Outgoing and helpful, Brian is a regular at Mass, an altar server who is always offering to fill in.

He’s also an inspiration, demonstrating the true meaning of sacrificial giving.



  1. Why did Bishop Zubik decide to launch
    Our Campaign for The Church Alive!

    When he was first installed as Bishop of Pittsburgh in 2007, Bishop Zubik asked a sincere question of himself and of every Catholic in our diocese: How excited are we about our faith? While optimistic about the future of our Catholic Church, he believes we have much work to do together to ensure that our Church is Alive and growing in faith. Our Campaign for The Church Alive!, a historic $125 million initiative, will help address the extraordinary needs in the life of our Church by investing extraordinary resources in the future of our parishes and our diocese.

  2. What are some of the top needs in our parishes and across our diocese?



Pope Francis recently challenged more than 1,000 bishops from around the world to get out of their cathedrals to spread the gospel and serve those most in need. Led by Bishop David Zubik, Catholics in the Diocese of Pittsburgh are already fulfilling this baptismal call through their enthusiastic support of Our Campaign for The Church Alive!

“Seeing the Pope in Rio de Janeiro was a dramatic reminder that the Church is bigger than our own parish—we’re part of something worldwide,” said Father Dale DeNinno, pastor of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Parish in Pleasant Hills. “Our campaign was not just about a collection of money, but a renewal in the Spirit.”


The New Evangelization invites Catholics of all ages to Proclaim and Witness our faith in God who is Love!

The New Evangelization in The Church Alive!

Saint Augustine, who studied the relationship between Christianity and secular society, said “Our hearts are restless until they rest in God.” His wisdom has been repeated for 17 centuries, but in America and across Europe, secularism once again is a growing force.

The New Evangelization, which took root in the second Vatican Council and was cultivated by Pope John Paul II who explained the need for a new “ardor, methods and expression,” is essential to The Church Alive! in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, according to Bishop David Zubik.

“The word ‘evangelization’ means sharing the good news of our faith, the good news of being loved by God,” Bishop Zubik said.


Father Harry Bielewicz


When Father Harry Bielewicz learned that the Diocese of Pittsburgh was launching a historic initiative to grow the Church Alive, he looked beyond the walls of his three Butler churches and into the faces of the faithful and others in need.

Our Campaign for The Church Alive! will allow Saint Peter, Saint Paul and Saint Michael the Archangel parishes in Butler to expand outreach efforts to the poor in the local community and in Appalachia, help area families afford a Catholic education, teach the faith to adults, and evangelize. Important building renovation projects also are planned.


Stephen Pergantis

Educating the Next Generation of Leaders

Growing up in a small, working class family, Stephen Pergantis thought he had his future mapped out. He was going to become a physician and had accepted a full-ride scholarship to college. He planned to play basketball, and was dating a young woman. Then the Holy Spirit intervened.

Two years later, now 19 years old, the Central Catholic High School graduate is one of 18 seminarians enrolled at Saint Paul Seminary in Crafton. Another 21 are immersed in theological studies at major seminaries in the United States and in Rome, Italy, mirroring a global trend showing more men discerning a call from God to become a priest, according to the Catholic News Agency.


St. Charles Lwanga Parish is blessed with many committed lay leaders. Christopher Elegbede, left, and Larry Landers, both extraordinary ministers of holy Communion, join in prayer at a recent Mass.

Stepping Forward in Faith:
$50 Million Milestone Reached

John Mitchell and Marleen Tucker admit they were a bit nervous when their pastor asked them to help raise money to address extraordinary needs in their parish and for the Church of Pittsburgh.

Saint Charles Lwanga parish, led by Father David Taylor, is located in Pittsburgh’s East End, which is not considered an affluent neighborhood. But like many other lay leaders, John and Marleen stepped forward in faith and made a difference in helping raise 269 percent of their parish target.

“It was astonishing. People really believe in our parish,” John said. “I hope our success will help other parishes realize they can also do it.”

Led by such passionate parishioners and pastors, Our Campaign for The Church Alive! has reached a significant milestone—more than $50 million in commitments toward a goal of $125 million.


Isaiah Turner is one of the youngest donors in
Our Campaign for The Church Alive!

A Child Shall Lead Us

In many ways, Isaiah Turner is a typical seven-year old boy. He loves to play baseball, basketball and football. Art is one of his favorite classes. He listens to his parents and does his chores without complaint.

The first grader is also one of the youngest donors in Our Campaign for The Church Alive!, having pledged $2 a month for the next five years for a total of $120 to support the work of the Church of Pittsburgh. His donation brings new meaning to Bishop Zubik’s call for sacrificial giving.


Bishop David Zubik

Bishop David Zubik talks about Our Campaign for The Church Alive!

What is Our Campaign for The Church Alive!?

Our Campaign for The Church Alive! is our way to be the body of Christ in an even better way than we have been in the past.

The Church of Pittsburgh is 170 years old and we’ve never done a campaign like this before. We’ve never dug so deeply into our hearts and maybe into our own resources and our own talents to really make our mark.

Our Campaign for The Church Alive! is an opportunity for us to respond to the trust that Jesus gave to his disciples and all of us who are his disciples now, to prove to the world how much God is alive and how much he wants to reach out to us.

How will the campaign help build vibrant parishes?


Mark Farone and his father Dave.

Campaign volunteers vital to Church Alive

Joe and Carol Dello Stritto are excited for another opportunity to put their faith into action.

Dave Farone says anything he can do for God or his church is rewarding.

Dennis and Regina Stover see an opportunity to evangelize and strengthen their parish.

These are just a few of the people recruited by their pastors to serve as volunteer solicitors in Our Campaign for The Church Alive!, and making a positive impact.


Monsignor Joseph Findlan

In Memoriam

When Monsignor Joseph Findlan was born in Pittsburgh’s Garfield neighborhood, William Howard Taft was president, World War I was three years away and it would be nearly a decade before KDKA-AM would sign onto the airwaves.

This year the late Monsignor Findlan marked 75 years as a priest in the Church of Pittsburgh. At age 101, he was a few weeks older than his good friend, Father Thomas Nee, who died just after Easter. Msgr. Findlan was among the 94 retired clergy in the diocese when he passed away in August 2013.


Rev. Paul Grunebach, pastor of Saint Oliver Plunkett Parish, Fredericktown/Marianna, helping lead the way in the Initial Parish Phase.

Helping Lead the Way!

Fifty years a priest and still going strong, Rev. Bernard “Mike” Harcarik figures that number sounds about right. So, in gratitude to God and the Church of Pittsburgh, the pastor of Prince of Peace Parish on Pittsburgh’s Southside is donating fifty percent of his salary for the next five years to Our Campaign for The Church Alive!