Where Your Gift is Invested
Vibrant Parishes — $50,000,000
Catholic Education, Catechesis and Formation — $42,000,000
Evangelization and Stewardship — $25,000,000
Our People Caring — $8,000,000
GOAL $125,000,000

An Impact Report to Donors. Click on an image to download pdf.

The parish is where the Church lives. The Eucharist is the center of that home and a key objective of Our Campaign for The Church Alive! will be to strengthen our life in the Eucharist by supporting our parishes.
Every parish has extraordinary needs. Every parish has dreams.
For every dollar raised in a parish campaign, forty cents will be returned to the parish to fund its locally determined priorities, less a proportionate share of campaign expenses. When a parish surpasses its goal it will receive sixty cents of every dollar raised over that amount.
When indirect support to parishes is included, such as educating seminarians or caring for our senior priests, 69 percent of all funds raised in this campaign will benefit our parishes.
(pie chart, 69% Parish support- direct and indirect; 31% Diocesan funding- see parish brochure)Need-based Tuition Grants - $12,000,000 will go into the Bishop’s Education Fund, increasing that endowment by sixty percent. Thousands more families will receive aid.
Technology Upgrades for Secondary Schools – A $5,000,000 fund will be established to provide Catholic high schools with technology grants to ensure a world-class education.
North Catholic High School – The campaign will direct $2,000,000 toward construction of the school, covering about three percent of development and construction costs. An additional $8,000,000 will be used for debt service as needed over the next five years, resulting in a campaign investment of $10,000,000.
Religious Education – The campaign will infuse $4,000,000 into the Fathers Farina Fund to assist catechetical program managers and teachers with the cost of their theology studies.
Education for Priests and Lay Leaders – $3,000,000 will fund two nationally respected leadership development programs.
Seminarian Formation – We will add $5,000,000 to the Shepherds’ Care Fund to help cover increasing tuition, room and board and other expenses for the growing number of our seminarians preparing for the priesthood. It will also expand vocations outreach.
Students with Special Needs – $2,000,000 is targeted to expand Saint Anthony School Programs for students K-21 with special needs such as autism, Down syndrome and developmental disabilities.
Catholic Campus Ministry – $1,000,000 will develop new and vibrant leadership service faith formation of young adults during the critical college years.
New Evangelization Program – $1,500,000 will underwrite an exciting outreach strategy designed to call back those who have left the Church and reach out to those outside the Church, inviting them to return home to the Father through the Son by the grace of the Holy Spirit.
Diocesan Pastoral Center – $10,000,000 is earmarked for the final phase of our Pastoral Center at the Saint Paul Seminary campus, designed to more effectively serve the spiritual needs of our entire Diocese.
Grants to Strengthen Parishes in Need – $7,000,000 will create a fund to help our sisters and brothers in areas of our Diocese where the Church must remain. This strategic aid will ensure that these parishes not only will survive, but grow.
Retired and Senior Priests – $5,000,000 will expand our support for priests who have labored tirelessly in the Lord’s vineyard, spending their lives in selfless service for us and our Church. Within the next decade, more than half our active priests will turn at least 70 years of age. We owe them our assistance in their retirement.
Catholic Communications – $1,500,000 will expand our outreach in proclaiming the Gospel using a combination of electronic and print media including television, social media and the Pittsburgh Catholic.
Catholic Charities serves our neighbors through the direct contributions of supporters in the community. Those efforts will not change. This campaign will provide additional help to expand specific programs of Catholic Charities that are in great need.
Mother Teresa Endowment Fund – A new $2,000,000 endowment will provide emergency financial assistance to help pay utility bills, medication and food for individuals and families struggling with unemployment and under-employment.
New Roselia Program Endowment Fund – $2,500,000 will create a new fund to help homeless single mothers over the age of eighteen with housing, personal counseling services and parenting education, providing love and stability in their lives.
Catholic Charities Free Health Care Center – Since 2007, more than 10,000 patients have received free health care through this center. New investment of $2,500,000 from Our Campaign for The Church Alive! will expand these services for the working uninsured.
Our Brothers and Sisters in the Missions – A new permanent endowment fund of $1,000,000 will provide increased support for our mission outreach to our needy sisters and brothers outside our Diocese.